| Starting with the 2024-25 academic year, college-bound student-athletes in their senior year of high school will still have the opportunity to sign an athletics aid agreement with the recruiting NCAA Division I or II school but will not sign a separate National Letter of Intent. Once a college-bound student-athlete signs the member school’s athletics aid agreement, coaches from other NCAA schools must cease communication with the college-bound student-athlete and individuals associated with the signed prospect (e.g., family members, scholastic coach, non-scholastic coach, advisor). This signed athletics aid agreement establishes the recruiting commitment between the college-bound student-athlete and school. |
Note: Students are prohibited from signing with multiple schools at the same time and must be released by the signing school before contact with another school can occur. For additional information on athletics aids agreements, please review the following: |
Before an Official VisitAn official visit is any visit to a college campus paid for by the NCAA school a student is visiting. Before a Division I or II official visit, a student must:
Be on the NCAA school's institutional request list.
Send the NCAA school their high school transcript.
Register with the Eligibility Center.
Early Graduates: Request Final AmateurismDo you have students graduating this December?
Students enrolling for the first time at an NCAA Division I or II school and international students enrolling for the first time at a Division III school starting in winter/spring 2025 will be able to request their final amateurism certification starting Oct. 1. |
If your students have questions regarding requesting their final amateurism certification, send them this YouTube video. They can also contact the Eligibility Center's customer service team at 877-262-1492, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time. |
Upload Sixth Semester TranscriptsVisit the High School Portal to upload six-semester transcripts for your incoming senior student-athletes. If you have never uploaded a student-athlete's transcript, click here to learn how. If you have a student-athlete with transcripts from multiple semesters needing uploaded, please do so at your earliest opportunity so that the Eligibility Center may complete preliminary reviews. |